Friday, April 16, 2010


When did my life end up to just waking up in the morning dragging the day on and bed at night.
Growing up I'd always thought there be more to my life then just this. Had plans and I was guna do something with my life I .Have a husband and step kids. No kids of my own I just sit here and watch other ppl have babys but still go out just throw the kid off to a babysitter. Why is that the kinda ppl that have kids. Why Cant I have that b/c I know that being a mother is something I would be great at. Well I guess my life will not ever amount to ne thing guess God doesnt have great plans for me. I feel as tho I'm in the back seat of a car thats stuck in a traffic jam, and other cars behind me and ahead of me go around me and get somewheres. guess this is it

Friday, April 2, 2010

good friday

what we did on good friday .... nothing stayed home all day what are we doing fo easter weekend prolly nothing lol!! Itdoesnt bother me tho b/c its always go go go with us it feel good to stay home!! check out this site i found bout going green

Thursday, April 1, 2010

the devil is a lier

As I into the word of God reading it from begning to end I knew on the journey of reading it there would be things to over come b/c the devil will try ne thing to discourage the work of God in progress well TODAY  had  knock on the door from a sherrif officer for my husband well i wonder what in the world is going on well backkkkk before we were married about five years ago my husband had missed balanced his check book, well he had went to the bank and "FIXED" it well apperantly it wasn't all "FIXED" So now we have to pay this stuff that has added up over a five year period. Well usually I would get down and mad about these things why is this happening to me but as a born again chrisitan deep into the word of God I only know that God will bless us for this rough road . The devil things he is funny but the Joke is on him B/c I will over come and previl even in the hard times Just like Joseph did  in Genius if you dont knwo the story Joesph had been accused of  wrong doing that he did not do and spent yearrrrssss in prision even tho God promised him blessings before that had happen he didnt give up even after years of being in there Until finally God granted him his blessings Joseph stayed faithful thru everything! As will I nothing will come between the blessings that God has promised My family and I . I serve a big God so keep em coming! Faith in God is all I need and Faith is what I have!!! Thank you Jesus for the blessings you will bestow on my family and I !!